Aero, a next-generation modern and clean Bootstrap 4x and 5x dashboard and admin template using flat, modern, and minimal design. It is fully responsive and built using SASS preprocessor, HTML5, CSS3, and jQuery plugins.
It can be used for most types of dashboard and app templates like Analytics, CRM, Backend Websites, CMS, build Blog, Business websites, and time line as well as desktop or mobile applications. Amazing flexibility and reusability
Top Reasons to Choose Our Admin Template
- Developed by Elite Author with having 7+ Years of Dashboard development
- Timely Technical Support
- Priority First – Easy Developer Experience (DX)
- High Aesthetics User Interface and Experience (UI/UX)
- Easy Helper Guide
Admin Features:
- Bootstrap 4 and 5 The ever-popular front-end framework has had a complete makeover
- Build with SCSS Simplify uses SASS to make your life editing the styles easier. Simply jump into the well-documented sass Code and start customizing.
- W3C Code Validate All the W3C standard is maintained while creating code of template. SEO, page speed, and crawling can be managed well by maintaining Web standards.
- Free Update Stay ready with the latest updates of framework architecture nd design. Get the latest updates in the timely intervals at no extra cost.
- Successfully tested on GTmetrix and Google page speed insight
- Two easy to customize Light & Dark Version colors schemes with 6 different accent colors.
- Layout options to easily make the sidebar, Mini sidebar, Mini Rightbar with collapse
- Over 100 components that can be merged together to create new unique elements and flows.
- User pages for login, register, locked screen, page offline, forgot password, each with to variations
- Applications examples: Inbox, Chat App, Contact, Blog, Ticket, Calendar, File Manager
- 3 icons packs: Material Icons, Themify Icons, Weather Icons.
- ... & many other useful features and ready-to-use widgets!
Handcrafted Widget Card:
- Summernote
- CKEditor
- Markdown
- Morris Charts
- Flot Charts
- ChartJS Charts
- Knob Charts
- C3 Chart
- Jquery Datatable
- Editable Tables
- Responsive Tables
- Form Examples
- Form Validation
- Advanced Form Elements
- Form Wizard
- Color Pickers
- Masked Text Inputs
- Multi Select
- Tags Input
- Input Slider
- Date Picker
- Drag & Drop Upload
- Sortable & Nestable
- Treeview
- Progress Bars
- Range Sliders
- Sweet Alert Dialog